A Note from Susan

Hello Trilogy Family,

My name is Susan Bufford. I’m the wife of Randy Bufford, Founder and Chairman of Trilogy Health Services. As a realtor, I’ve helped many people realize their dream of buying their first home. Now, I want to help you.

I believe that as a member of our Trilogy family, you deserve a home to call your own – a place to fill with love, laughter, and memories your family will cherish always. This is why I started the Susan’s Savings First Time Home Buyers Program – to help you save for, and eventually purchase, your first home.

It is my hope that this program empowers you to take this exciting step in your life. Your home is waiting – let us help you open the door!

Yours in Service,
Susan Bufford

Program Criteria

Through the Susan’s Savings First Time Home Buyers Program, funds you save via direct deposit will be matched 2 to 1 by the Trilogy Health Services Foundation. Learn more about how the program works, and find out if you are eligible below!

  • Open to both FT and PT employees
  • Must be a first time home buyer
  • Must be employed at Trilogy for over 6 months and in good standing
  • Every dollar saved is matched 2 to 1 by the Trilogy Foundation.  If you save $1,000, the Trilogy Health Services Foundation will contribute $2,000 for a total of $3,000.
  • Employees are required to save with our banking partner, Fifth Third Bank, for a minimum of 6 months via direct deposit, in order to receive the match. You may elect to save any amount via direct deposit, as long as you are saving for at least 6 months and $1000 saved.
    • To connect your savings account to your direct deposit, please log into your ADP account, click the “Pay” tab, “Direct Deposit“, “Manage Direct Deposit“, then “Add Account“.
  • Employees can receive up to $2,000 in matched funds.
  • Funds will be paid directly to an approved mortgage company of your choice at time of closing for the following:
    • Down Payment
    • Closing Costs

Be One of the First to Apply Today!

Apply today by filling out the form below, and be one of the first to get approved to participate in Susan’s Savings!

Confirm Eligibility

How Can We Serve You?

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