About Us

We are a nonprofit whose mission is to improve the lives of Trilogy Health Services employees so that they may reach their full potential through education, financial stability, and healthy living, which creates memorable moments for our residents. We also serve and support members of our communities in Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, and Michigan. Below is a short description of the programs that we offer:


The Trilogy Health Services Foundation is dependent upon the charitable giving of our outside sponsors along with our Trilogy Health Services and Synchrony Health Services employees. Over 60% of our employees donate through payroll deduction (Opportunity Needs Everyone Campaign).

In addition to the Foundation employee programs, the Trilogy employee programs, the Trilogy Health Services Foundation also helps organize annual charity drives (Knockout Hunger).


Opportunity Needs Everyone (ONE) Campaign

The Trilogy Health Services Foundation organizes the Opportunity Needs Everyone (ONE) campaign to encourage employees to give at least $1 per pay period to the general Foundation account that funds each of our programs.

When an employee gives money to the Foundation 50% is restricted for their Campus Designated Funds, to assist employees at their campus for emergency assistance and scholarships not specifically covered by the Trilogy Foundation guidelines.

Each year the Foundation conducts at least one donation drive for the general foundation account, and campuses that reach 100% participation receive a bonus $1000 for their CDF account.



Knockout Hunger

In 2022 the Foundation began a new fundraising program, Knock Out Hunger, to assist with food insecurity in our facilities. Funds raised through the Knock Out Hunger campaign are restricted for the Careshelf at each campus which provides an additional resource of food items to those struggling with food insecurity.

Sign up to Donate Here

The emergency assistance program is available to eligible full-time and part-time employees who are in good standing and meet the need-based financial qualifications, and are experiencing financial hardship. Certain times of crisis or emergencies do not require a financial-need-based qualification, but they are rare (ex. House fire, tornado). All Trilogy Health Services Foundation granting will be applied to a qualifying charitable class and must show financial need. The Foundation has adopted an industry best practice standard of defining charitable class as 350% times the federal poverty guidelines per person/family members in a household (https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines).

Learn More About Emergency Assistance

Over $6,100,000 Awarded!

Education Assistance: Designed to help employees through times of hope/advancement. Continue reading for more information or to apply.

Employee and Dependent Scholarships

Thank you for your interest in the Trilogy Health Services Foundation employee and dependent scholarship program; we are thrilled to have many employees and dependents furthering their education. The employee and dependent scholarship programs are available to full-time and part-time employees of Trilogy Health Services and Synchrony Health Services who have completed at least six months of service, demonstrate financial need, and are in good standing with the company.

The fall scholarship application will be open from October 15, 2022 until November 15, 2022. The Foundation Scholarship Committee will review applications and decisions should be expected on November 25, 2022. Awards will be made in the name of the educational institution but sent to the employee via the Executive Director/supervisor in early December.

It will be the responsibility of the employee/dependent to have the scholarship applied to their student account at their respective institution.

Learn More About the Scholarship Program

  • Open to both FT and PT employees
  • Must be a first time home buyer
  • Must be employed at Trilogy for over 6 months and in good standing
  • Participants agree to a $10 or $20 payroll deduction per week
  • Employees can receive up to $2,000 in matched funds .
  • Every dollar saved is matched by $2. $1,000 saved through the payroll deduction and is matched with an additional $2,000 for a total of $3,000 for Home Ownership.

See if you’re eligible

The Grateful Families Program provides an opportunity for residents and family members  to say, “thank you” to caregivers in a more personal and meaningful way. Donations can also be made in honor or memory of loved ones.

Click here to find out more

Our mission is to strive to serve our residents to the best of our ability, to embrace their passions, and to give back a little piece of what they have given, and continue to give. For us this means helping seniors relive memories from their past and to help them experience things that they have always wanted to, but never had the opportunity.  We have assisted veterans to experience honor flights to travel to Washington, D.C. to view the monuments, helped seniors who always wanted to fly take a ride in a hot air balloon, enabled former dance instructors to attend Dancing with the Stars, and much more. Click the button below to view a few of the stories and find out more.

Click here to find out more

The Trilogy Health Services Foundation is a nonprofit corporation established in Kentucky in 2007. It is tax-exempt as a private foundation under section 501 (c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of the United States.

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