Emergency Assistance

Click here to apply For Emergency Assistance Click Here for Additional Resources

The emergency assistance program is available to eligible full-time and part-time employees who are in good standing, have been with the company for at least 30 days, meet the need-based financial qualifications, and are experiencing financial hardship. Certain times of crisis or emergencies do not require a financial-need-based qualification, but they are rare (ex. House fire, tornado). All Trilogy Health Services Foundation granting will be applied to a qualifying charitable class and must show financial need. The Foundation has adopted an industry best practice standard of defining charitable class as 350% times the federal poverty guidelines per person/family members in a household (https://aspe.hhs.gov/topics/poverty-economic-mobility/poverty-guidelines).

2024 Poverty Guidelines: 48 Contiguous States (all states except AK and HI)

Household/Family Size100%350%

The Executive Director for campus employees or the employee’s immediate supervisor at the Home Office must approve each request for emergency assistance for submission to the Foundation team. The employee will submit third-party documentation that shows a financial need to confirm the emergency with their application for assistance (accident report, insurance claim report, home eviction notice, past-due bills).

Primary Family: The Foundation defines primary family as either the employee themselves or someone that they have primary responsibility for (spouse/domestic partner and dependent children). This does not include parents or siblings of an employee.

  • Requests Not Funded: $0
    • Requests with Executive Director Denial
    • Requests from employees who have not served at least 30 days with the company.
    • Requests from employees who received Foundation Assistance in the last 12 months.
    • Requests for assistance that exceed $2,000 on an annual basis will be directed to the Foundation Board for additional consideration.
    • Requests without proper 3rd party documentation or documentation that does not show a financial need.
    • Requests related to legal action/assistance with legal fees.
    • Requests that are not deemed an emergency/supplemental income.
    • Requests related to lack of PTO/time off work.
    • Requests related to hour adjustment due to census.
  • Foundation Grant Awards up to $2000:
    • Car Repair/Past-due Payment
    • Food Assistance (max of $200)
    • Utilities Shut Off/Past-due Payment
    • House repairs (when not created through natural disaster. E.g., Air-conditioner replacement, plumbing, etc.)
    • Non-life-threatening medical emergency for primary family member only
    • House Eviction
    • Life Threatening Medical Emergency for Primary family- (Cancer, Domestic Violence, etc.)
    • Death of an immediate primary family member
    • Catastrophic loss of property due to natural disaster- (Fire, flood, tornado, earthquake, etc.)
    • Domestic violence

Board approval is required for very rare extenuating circumstances over the $2,000 annual limit.

Click here to apply For Emergency Assistance

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