
Thank you for your interest in the Trilogy Health Services Foundation employee and dependent scholarship program; we are thrilled to have many employees and dependents furthering their education. The employee and dependent scholarship programs are available to full-time and part-time employees of Trilogy Health Services and Synchrony Health Services who have completed at least six months of service, demonstrate financial need, and are in good standing with the company.

The fall 2025 scholarship application will be open from April 1, 2025 to April 30, 2025. The Foundation Scholarship Committee will review applications and decisions should be expected by beginning of June 2025. Awards will be made in the name of the educational institution but sent to the employee via the Executive Director/supervisor in early June for the upcoming fall semester.

It will be the responsibility of the employee/dependent to have the scholarship applied to their student account at their respective institution.

The Foundation must ensure it serves a charitable class and has implemented policies to ensure compliance with helping individuals most in need; accordingly, the entire workforce cannot be a charitable class.

All Trilogy Health Services Foundation granting of funding for scholarships will be applied to a qualifying charitable class and must show financial need. The Foundation has adopted an industry best practice standard of defining charitable class as 350% times the federal poverty guidelines per person/family members in a household ( Please find the chart below, which outlines the household size, and the highlighted column, which shared the household income allowed for the award of scholarships for employees and dependents.

2024 Poverty Guidelines: 48 Contiguous States (all states except AK and HI)

Household/Family Size100%350%

Once you have reviewed the household income and determine that you qualify, we ask that you complete this brief form prior to the application deadline.

Complete the Dependent Scholarship Form

Complete the Employee Scholarship Form

Please feel free to reach out with any additional questions.

Beth Clingaman
Vice President -Trilogy Foundation and Community Outreach
Trilogy Health Services, LLC
303 N. Hurstbourne Pkwy Ste 200
Louisville, KY  40222
Phone: 502-909-1263

Daniel Delph
Senior Development Manager
(502) 412-5847

Emily Dennis
Program Manager
(502) 412-5847

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